Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Thank you, my new friend, for putting life into perspective

Just when I thought I couldn't get more emotional during this charity/mission journey, I was touched by the my interaction with this young patient!! While working in the medical clinic in the morning, a very humble mother brought the above, amazingly strong child for evaluation of an existing prosthetic and physical therapy. This boys story goes something like this: While pregnant with this child, a physician alerted the mother that the baby growing inside her was going to have multiple birth defects, with the recommendation of medically aborting the child. Needless to say, the mother went against this medical advice and proceeded to carry to term. As predicted by the physician, the boy was born with a web foot on the right, and missing his left leg below the knee. As the child grew, a very crude prosthetic was made out of heavy wood.
Today as the child presented to the clinic, he waited for over 2 hours then sat on our examining table without a single complaint. Upon examination by our medical team, it was originally thought there was nothing we could offer with our limited resources. After about 10 minutes of quiet contemplation (all with the angelic face of this young boy staring at us), Dr. Ha Vo came up with a plan to make a new, light weight prosthetic out of the existing materials we have in our prosthetics lab/clinic.
The child was brought next door for 7 long, hot, exhausting hours of measuring, fitting, remeasuring, and refitting!!
As I finished up our last patient, I strolled over to the prosthetics clinic/lab and low and behold, that angelic face greeted me again. This time the smile was beaming and the nervous anticipation was pouring out. I couldn't resist taking the time to sit close to him, teach him a game of thumb wrestling and just genuinely show I cared and remembered him and our earlier interaction.
A few minutes later, a final fitting and trial walk around the clinic. As he returned with his "new" leg, I could no longer hold back. Choked up by emotion, many things went through my head including this:
This child was born against all odds, this child is growing up without anything, including physical freedom to comfortably get around on his own! Not once did he complain, not once did he get ansy, not once was he disrespectful!!
We should all take lessons from my new friend: Be thankful for what we have (And thats not the newest I-Whatever, the biggest screen TV, the fanciest video games etc...)!!
I will think of this angelic, happy child fondly and often as I proceed through my life!!!! Thank you my friend for putting life into perspective!!!!

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